Saturday, June 25, 2011


So... I would apologise again for my lack of posting, but since my absences have become more regular than out of the ordinary, I stopped myself in fear of further ruining my credibility. Instead, I set several of you guys up on automatic email updates for the rare occasion that I do update my blog. I have a few more spots left on the list, so let me know if you want me to add you. I do hope to be able to post more regularly now.

There has been so much that has happened since my last post, I don't even know where to begin! I will catch you guys up in one big post, and then we can all move forward in the future together :)

It's summer time here now. The Brits have the strangest summer.... First, it's light ALL the time. The sun starts rising at 4am and doesn't set until 10pm. I took this picture below in a state of grogginess one morning around 5am because it's THIS bright by 5am. Ridiculous!
It's so disorienting! On top of that, I'm wearing a jacket every day because it is still freezing some nights and chilly during the day. Good thing there aren't any pools around here or I'd really be sad!

I have also explored more of Europe and England since my last trip. I took a big trip in April to Dubrovnik, Croatia, and Vienna, Halstatt, and Salzburg, Austria.

Dubrovnik is an amazing's an extremely well preserved medieval town. The old town is all in the original medieval walls.
(a not so good picture of Dubrovnik's old town from afar)
The streets of Dubrovnik's old town at night. We stayed within the city walls!
We saw some of the neighbouring Elaphite islands.
Dubrovnik pier.
We also climbed the city walls and walked around the whole old town. Amazing views! I have to say that Croatia has a ton of national parks and amazing islands and waterfalls that you need to see. We didn't get to see anything beyond Dubrovnik, but if you plan a trip you really must see more of this country!

We then jetted off to see what that was all about. Apparently they had a huge empire, lots of palaces, and chocolate. That's how they roll.
Outside the Habsburgs royalty's palace in the city centre.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that they drink lots of beer and eat schnitzel.
The Schonbrunn Palace, the Habsburgs "country palace" ...but as you can see it's not too far from Vienna.

Then we were off to Salzburg, my favourite Austrian town.
The birthplace of Mozart, and where I paid a ridiculous price to walk through his first home to look at musical instruments....They also specialise in Mozart Balls....a marzipan chocolate ball treat of the region (I was not a fan).

And finally, we went off to the Austrian Lake District, to the oldest town in the region, Hallstatt. This was an old salt mining town, and it has been around since like caveman times or something ridiculous.
It really was an old (person's) town....we couldn't find anywhere that would serve lunch at 1pm. And there were no bars.

A week after my big trip, my mom came to visit me.
And we went to Bath! Beautiful city in England!
All the buildings in Bath are made in this Bath stone that is kind of yellow, but really pretty. Bath used to be the fashion capital of England hundreds of years ago.
Ah, the English countryside....

We also went to Windsor, which is only 30 min from London and the Queen's official residence.
Oh, and I should mention since my last post that of course Prince William and Kate got married. I missed the wedding since I was in Hallstatt at the time, but the city was so hyped over it for weeks before and after. They are still obsessed with photographing the newly weds.
One of many flags that were all around various London shops with a picture of the royal couple.

And lots of memorabilia for the wedding so that you can always remember this joyous occasion. I think all of my friends should start making plates for their weddings like this. Then I can collect them all and invite all of the couples over to a dinner party with my set of wedding plates! Okay, I am starting to sound a little creepy, but do you see the point I'm trying to make?!
I must not forget the Will and Kate banner I also saw in China Town.

Next post (which I promise to timely submit!) will be about my trip to the English Lake District where I celebrated Swedish mid summer. I also have trips planned to Madrid, Rome, Iceland, and Oktoberfest coming up!

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