Monday, October 11, 2010

Life in the Flat World

A lot of people have asked me what my temporary flat looks like, so here is your sneak peak, with some commentary!

Hallway: I was just excited that there was a hallway at all.

Kitchen: To get the full effect of the kitchen you have to realize that there is a door that closes the kitchen. It's like a separate room!

Note the teeny tiny oven. There is a tiny dish washer that is behind the corner cabinet but it doesn't really open all of the way because it hits another door handle. There are also two chairs behind the kitchen door, but no table. Not sure what you are supposed to use the chairs for.

Here is the fridge (top) and freezer (bottom). At another flat I was at the whole fridge was the size of one of these and the freezer was just the top shelf.

The washer is behind one of these cabinets and it's very tiny. I'm scared to try to learn how to use it.

This is the bedroom that fits the bed lol.

Here is half of the living room, still haven't figured out how to photograph an entire room.

And here is the other half.

Here is the bathroom, much bigger and more modern than I was expecting.

And these are just for fun, my new shoes that I love....I'm calling them my French shoes because they remind me of France for some reason, and I'm close enough.

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